
The Importance of Sophie, Preface

The following is the preface for this series in ten parts (yes, ten). Since there are a great deal of characters and there may be large gaps between instalments (I’m not skilled at writing consistently), this story will serve as a somewhat convenient resource for refreshing your memory. (Check the end for physical descriptions of most of the characters)

The Importance of Sophie, Preface

The following is the preface for this series in ten parts (yes, ten). Since there are a great deal of characters and there may be large gaps between instalments (I’m not skilled at writing consistently), this story will serve as a somewhat convenient resource for refreshing your memory. (Check the end for physical descriptions of most of the characters)

The Importance of Sophie, Preface

The following is the preface for this series in ten parts (yes, ten). Since there are a great deal of characters and there may be large gaps between instalments (I’m not skilled at writing consistently), this story will serve as a somewhat convenient resource for refreshing your memory. (Check the end for physical descriptions of most of the characters)

The Importance of Sophie, Preface

The following is the preface for this series in ten parts (yes, ten). Since there are a great deal of characters and there may be large gaps between instalments (I’m not skilled at writing consistently), this story will serve as a somewhat convenient resource for refreshing your memory. (Check the end for physical descriptions of most of the characters)

The rise and fall of a boy called Rave part 2

I am going to be blunt here I am dyslexic, my spelling is going to be ropey and my grammar just plain bad but as I only learnt to read at 14 I don’t really care. If you don’t want to read it don’t but if you do don’t tell me at the end to learn to spell. This was more about me writing something for myself than anyone else. Oh and if you read it and I have used the wrong word over and over let me know, I once handed in a project with practical instead of particle every time and it is always nice to know when I go wrong.
I am also not sure what I should put these as because they are based on my life but I have move around some of the events and places and people to make it easier to put down on paper.
Regards Rave
To spend one night with a girl like Rebecca.
The estate was violent, so kids had to sign up to the local gangs for protection. However for the gangs to work as any form of organisation it needed money and they could only get the money by committing crimes. But that was ok because the was a nice little niche in the drug trade for them to fill, the dealers needed people to sell on the street and the addicts need some they knew to buy from. The problem was that to sell drugs you needed a place to stand which meant that you needed territory. However the was other gangs that needed to same territory to make their own money so violence was used to hold the streets. For that the gangs needed Boys but that was ok because the where plenty of kids to sign up for protection ageist the violence of the other gangs.
That was why I was stood on this roof top, this block of flats where the highest point in the estate and it was part of the Dead Heads territory and we called it Heaven. I was good at violence and I was here to become better. The other members of the gang on the roof top where elite and if their training of me worked and I learnt to control my rage one day I would be too. That was my dream when I was young, I was still too young to dream of getting out of that god forsaken hell whole but sooner or later all of us do.
Taz stood in front of me, hand lose, ready. Cain and Lacy stood at my shoulder to stop me when it happened and it was going to happen. Bob, Mark and Bex stood by the door to the roof. Bob was the boss, leader of the Dead Heads and Mark was his second and Bex was his younger sister. I was Bex’s lad, I didn’t fool myself into thinking that she was mine but as long as she found me fun I got to sleep with her.
Mark began a slow count 1… Taz slapped me hard 2… He hit me again, I could feel the resulting bolts of adrenaline running though me 3… My body tingled and I felt the heat of my rage roll out from my chest 4… I felt the world slow down around me as the spike of adrenaline took me 5… I watch his hand move through the air lazily, I could have dodged with ease now but that wasn’t the point of the training 6… My body felt light me, limbs numb 7… All I could hear was the rushing of blood in my ears and the pounding of my heart in my chest 8… The edge of my vision turned red now it was just a matter of holding out before I went over the edge into madness.
I could no longer keep to the count, my body screamed at me to tear Taz apart. I began to breathe deeply slowly getting harder becoming almost a gasps. I began to bear my teeth each outward breath became a growl and still I let him hit me. My hands were shaking as I looked down at them, the tremor was spreading up my arms, and I couldn’t show that weakness here. I clenched my hands into a fist to stop them shaking, that felt good, felt right, felt strong I looked back up at Taz and the world went red.
I came back to the world lying on my back, the three older lads held me down. I fought them for a second before I remembered who I was and what was happening. I relaxed as much as I could, the bitter taste in my mount started to appear as the spent adrenaline made itself known.
“How many?” I asked my voice horse, I must have been screaming at some point, sometimes that happened.
“37 hits” replied Mark as he came closer. 37 was good, it had been more than a month since I started this training the first time I had made only 9 before losing control. My face burned from the slaps but I felt good, I smiled at Taz, at 14 he was the closest to me in age there, his nose dripped blood so I had got him before they stopped me. He smiled back, we where friends now, he had put allot of work into training me in the last month and 37 put me only 6 short of Bob’s own record. They hadn’t just helped me to hold off the rage but how to bring it on, the burn was not as clean but it still worked. I was becoming one of them a Berserker.
They got off me and I tried to stand but my legs wouldn’t hold me so I sat on the ground as the others laughed around me. Bex knelt and cradled me head between her breasts, she was turned on by any violence and love to watch me lose control. Her hair was now blue and I knew the pubic hair would match.
“Last time I saw you this spent we had been fucking for almost 2 hour” She giggled. I remember that night well and I still had the bruises to remind me. She liked to play rough and liked her play things young, she was strong and muscled and had enough kinks for 10 girls but the pain was worth it.
“Just give me a sec and I will be ready for another 2 my Mistress” I panted. Bob kicked my leg.
“Play nice, she maybe older than you but she is still my little sister”
“Alreet Boss”
“Well if you are not going to let me have fun here I am going to take my toy and go home” Bex said and dragged me to my feet.
I waited to get the nod from Bob before I let her pull me towards the stairs, I really have no idea what would happen if he ever said no. There was a flat on the second to top floor that the gang “owned” as a place to cut and count. It was high enough that it was easy to defend and to hide if the police ever took an interest. Not that the police would, so long as the gangs kept to the estate and the other poor parts they didn’t take an interest. The lads there let us in without any questions, it was because of Bex, they all feared her, but I was now someone to watch myself and my rep would have gotten me in.
The bed room in the back was grubby and small but I didn’t care we had done it in worse places in the last month when the mood took her. She drove me into the wall with her forearm across my throat choking me, she liked to choke it gave her power. I held my breath and let my hands wander her body until they found the zip on her pants. Once I began to slip them off she let me she broke away from me. I sucked in sweet oxygen not sure how long until she would deny it to me again. I could feel my rage at the back of my mind but I had learnt to let it feed into my lust and right now there was allot of that.
“I don’t get naked first, it is a rule, you know that Rave” She scalded. It was another one of her power plays but what made me more fun that the other young lads she could have been fucking was that I push back. I ran at her pushing her back onto the bed, we wrestled trying to pull off each other’s cloths, she was stronger than me but I was getting closers. I claimed her T-shirt but that exposed her great little breast, I was just a boy I couldn’t help staring at them jiggle. The moment’s distraction was all she needed, she flipped me face down on the bed and pinned me. She pulled my clothes off quickly and stood up to look at me.
“I think your body is getting better” she said. It was true, I was putting on height and muscle and was getting chest hair, I was becoming a young man. She pulled down her pants and knickers leaving them in a bunch on the floor. She was a force to be reckoned with naked, a dangerous combination of feminine curves and hard muscle. She pushed me back down onto the bed straggling me smiling down at me. She kissed me hard and deep, her tong forcing itself between my lip and my own tong moved to meet it. Her fingers found my nipples and twisted them painfully and a growled into her mouth. Before her I had never found pain sexy but now it was and my cock was fully erect. We didn’t do oral sex as she wouldn’t be put in the submissive position without my hands tied and after the first time I wouldn’t let her do that and I would not give if I didn’t get.
I spun her over so I was on top, she hated that but I wasn’t going to give her time to complain or force me off. I lined up fast and slide into her, she moaned at that and sunk her finger nails into my chest. They weren’t long enough to draw blood but that didn’t stop Bex from trying as we increased in tempo. I leaned in a kissed her as the pleasure started to build, she bit my lower lip and laugh when I pulled back. She rapped both hand around my throat and squeezed. I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t care, if she was going back to choking me then she was closer than I though.
I slipped my hand down her body and my thumb found her clit, I move it fast coursing waves of pleasure to fun though her body. I needed to finish her quickly as my vision began to black and my lungs burned for breath. She peaked with a scream more animal than human. Her body went rigged and her cunt contracted almost finishing me but I held out. Her body sagged and her arms feel sideways. The rush of air back into my body set my skin on fire and pushed me to new highs of pleasure and I came. I lay down on top of her with a moan. I rolled off her and just held her. She may have liked to be rough in sex but she liked to be held and stroke afterwards. Of course if I told any of them she would beat me into a comma. After about 10 minutes she let go and sat up.
“It is my birthday next week” I said “would you like to give me present?”
“What do you have in mind? Something kinky, right?” She laughed
“Well it is something that we haven’t done before, I want to have a date with you Bex. Fucking you is great but I have nothing of you afterwards. I want to do it slowly, without the bruise, I want to be something more than just a quick shag” I growled trying to hide my embarrassment at this show of emotion.
She looked shocked and just stared as I put on my cloths and started for the door, well I guess that was it for playing with Bex.
“I will do it” She shouted as I opened it. I looked over my should “it is your birthday after all”
“Thank you lover” I said and she blushed.
I got home as it was going dark, home was a small to bedroom apartment with paper thin walls and a decaying smell that my dad work every hour of under the sun to keep, we owned the places now but it wasn’t worth anything. My dad was there, an older version of me, I hadn’t seen him in three days but he did ask where I had been. He didn’t mind the gang stuff, until my mom left he had run with one but after he couldn’t afford to get arrested so he gave it up to look after me. If he had not been a father he would still be a thug but instead he was an office boy who spent his time hiding his own rage. Truth be told the money I was now bringing in from the gang was a real boost to our living.
“Da I need the flat on Wednesday can you lose yourself for the night?” I asked
“Alreet ar’kid I was going to hook up with Wendy on Tuesday but I will ask her to move it” Wendy was I lawyer at his work she was married and about a dozen rungs up the ladder from my dad but like to slum it. She never came near to the estate they just met in hotels that she paid for so they could fuck.
“Tar da I have a girl coming over” I didn’t say Bex as it wasn’t needed.
I headed for my room and knocked on the wall. The knock came back a moment later, the walls really where paper thin and my best friend lived on the other side. Her name was Faye, she was my age, a pretty little red head with just too many freckles and she had live next to me for the last 5 years, there was nothing romantic with us just someone to talk to through the wall. I sat there with my back to the wall and talked to her, we told each other everything. I told her about Wednesday night and she might want to go somewhere. Which she laughs at. And then I sit there until her breathing becomes long and slow.
“Good night ar’Faye” I said and went to bed.
School was a drag but all gang members still of age went, it wasn’t about education but school was a perfect place to make money. By unwritten law gang violence didn’t happen at school, argument where between gangs where dealt with outside. Not that one on one fights didn’t happen it was just not a free for all. My job was simple I made sure people paid for cans. It cost 50p per can from the school diner and tuck shop we sold for 40p and cost we got them in bulk it cost us 23p per can. The profits weren’t as big as cigarette, alcohol and drugs but it was safe and was a constant flow of cash. I just sat a watch, to keep people in line.
However much I hated school the problem was I was good at it. I was top of my year in maths and sciences and I could do most other stuff if someone read it to me. English was hard as I had problems but it was the only one I put work into and the only subject that the teachers liked me. Most of my friends in my year had yet to roll the dice and join up but most would at the next full moon so they hung around the other Dead Heads. Big Bad Bob’s and his sisters interest in me had gone around the other gangs on the estate as had the story of the fight with the Hell Boys so each had someone watching me. The gangs from the Hall and the Waz and the Mains where almost as interested in me but that was because they feared any unity of the estates gangs and we would wipe the floor with them if we didn’t have each other to keep down.
I really hated being followed around school like that but then again we did the same to the other gangs.
Wednesday came, it was my birthday but it didn’t do much for me. My friends may be nice to me but there was no money for presents for none family. My dad had left for work by the time I got up and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow night by arrangement, he had left a note wishing me a happy birthday and a lucky night. He had left me £20 which was more than he would have ever spent on a present. School passed I a blamer, Taz gave me beats but no one else had the balls to do it and I had to sit through my form singing happy birthday badly.
I went home to get ready, I spent most of the £20 on stuff for the night. I put on my good cloths, most of the estate people own a set for weddings and funerals. Mine where purchased with room to grow but now they were really too small for me but there would be no money for new ones not for some time. I picked up the flowers and chocolates I had bought her. I walked to Bob’s flat, it was a good one, and knocked.
It was answered by Bob’s mother, she was a living legend on the estate her husband had been a real life bank robber before he got shot on a job in Liverpool. She had moved back to the estate where she was born to raise her kids. No one ever came back once they left but she had because it raised kids to be hard.
“Hello is Rebecca in Mrs Adams?” I asked, she just smiled and lead me into the living room and left me there to go to a back room. Bob came out and sat opposite me.
“My little sister has not been on a date in 3 years so you best treat her nice or I will break your legs Rave, understand?” I had been having sex with his sister for more than a month, she was more than 3 years older than me and could beat me into a bloody mess herself. I think Bob said it because it was what brothers where supposed to say and he was simple so he said it. But he was right if this went badly it would hurt Bex and he would break my legs, if I was lucky.
Bex walked in the room and me breath court in my throat. “You look simply amazing, the dress looks beautiful” I said with a stammer. I had never seen her in a dress before, I had never really seen her as a woman before, but she looked like a dam fine one. The dress was blue to match her hair it was long and flowing, but as it was Bex she still ware trainers. I gave her the flowers and the chocolate, they were cheap and tacky but for the estate it was a big romantic gesture. She seemed to love them and had to go back into the kitchen to put the flowers in water.
I took her to the best chippy in the estate, it wasn’t in the Dead Heads territory but I had put the word out that any one came near us I would make it my life’s work to hurt them down. It wouldn’t have worked if I hadn’t said it with my foot on the chest of one of the young hot shots of the Bad Dogs. We where watched all the way but none of them came close. I got fish and chips twice spending the rest of my birthday present.
I took her back to my place and sat and eat the food to candle light, well tea light light, and talked. It was the first time we talked, she was smart and funny and some way naive. She hadn’t been on a real date before most lads where first scared of her brother and where now scared of her, so she used young lads for fun. But I was scared of no one. I had got Asti and we drank it out of mugs. I paid her compliments as often as I could think of them.
We sat hugging on the coach and watch a chick flick I had rented. I didn’t like it but she did and that is what mattered. She laid her head on my shoulder and I could feel her smile. The credits rolled and she took my hand and let me lead her to my bedroom.
I began to take off my clothes when she stopped my “what do you think you are doing”
“You don’t get naked first, that is a rule, and I want to make this night good” I said
“You always liked to break the rules and for one night only there aren’t any rules. Now come over here and take my clothes off” She said.
I kissed her, there was no tongs, no biting just lips press together. Lighting shot though my body from my lips to my toes. It wasn’t the most passionate kiss I ever shared with Bex, it wasn’t the most fun but it was the best. I ran my hands along her back until my right found the zip to her dress, I slid it down till it stopped at the top of her arse crack. The dress fell to the floor in a cascade, she wasn’t wearing a bra I don’t think I ever remember I time I saw her in one. “I think your dress looks far better on my floor don’t you” I slid her onto the bed and kissed her on the collar bone, she moans loudly and I stopped.
I stripped as I knocked on the wall “Faye can you fuck off for a hour or so, it may get a little noisy” I said
“Well I will it is just… um… do I have to?” She asked “It is just that Bex is like the hottest girl I know, I hearing her having sex is such a turn on, Please?”
Bex smile up at me “I needed to do something kinky if I am going to keep my reputation, Hell Yer!” she shouted at the wall.
I started kissing her breast, from the outer edge I spiralled into the middle, once I got to the nipple I moved to the other, I did this three times to her gasps and moans until she could take the teasing any longer. Once I reach her nipple she grabbed my head and held it in place. Her nipples where small and sensitive, I had always wonder how sensitive but I found out. As I sucked hard her moaning stopped and her body tensed, she had just peaked from just her nipples, it was small and weak but it had happened. I looked up into her still stunned eyes “Now that is one”.
I started to kiss down her stomach, letting my tong run around her navel. My fingers found the waist band of her knickers and pull them down, there was a difficult moment when my knees got in the way of them but I managed to move without my tong leaving her skin. I moved down lower and she gasped
“I thought you wouldn’t give if you didn’t get”
“Are but you forget, for one night only there aren’t any rules.”
I was young and clumsy and to be honest it was only the 4th time I had eaten a girl out but I had energy and enthusiasm and was willing to take direction. I knew how Bex’s body worked by now I could follow the little signs it gave. I kept it slow, teasing, until her body was begin to beg of release. I placed my lips on her clit and sucked. She exploded with a scream of ecstasy, juices following freely down her legs which I liked of her willing. I moved back up and kissed her so she could tasted herself on my lips “Now that was two”.
I had been hard from the moment she was naked, all I wanted to do was fuck her but I had spent more than a month learning how to control that part of myself. I slipped into her slowly inch by inch until I felt our perverse touch. I pulled out only a small away and trust again. I wanted to be as deep in her as possible while we made love. Time slowed but in a very different way to what I was used to, it was like being enclosed in a golden halo of light. There was no one else just her and me. It is the first time in my life that I can remember feeling rage. There was no rage, no lust only closeness. For that short time, that night, Bex was as much mine as I ever was hers.
I know it was minutes but it felt like hours before I reached climax. I came deep inside her and that set her off, the real world came rushing back with her long moan of pleasure. It was the best sound I ever heard. I rolled off and just lay there holding her and stroking her hair.
She leaned up and kissed me on the check, running her fingers through the scars on my chest. She was crying but weather it was joy or sorrow for the girl called Rebecca that had been lost to the gang member called Bex I will never know.
“Now that was three” she whispered and snuggled up next to me.
“That was soooo Hot” came a small voice from though the wall. We both laughed.
“Goodnight Faye” I said with a smile and went to sleep in my lovers arms.
The morning came too fast and I woke up to Bex. I was her plaything until she got tired of me or found someone better. I was fine with it, I think now I loved her but back then it wasn’t so clear, because I wasn’t just her plaything. I meant something to her and that was all that mattered.
I walked her home as the sun roses over the estate. And I was glad for the drugs and the gangs and the violence because they had let I guy like me to spend one night with a girl like Rebecca.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Sexy Stranger.

This is my second story.
Im David im 28 years old and I live in London, England. I have a pretty mundane office job that I work 9 to 5, but there is a pretty decent social group around the office.
After a pretty boring day at work, 5 or 6 of us decided to go for a few beers after work. I would say the moral was higher because the sexy new receptionist decided to track along. Her name was Amy, she was a 22 year old blond goddess. Legs that went all the way up, and the rather short skirt left little to the imagination. Add that to the beautiful blue eyes, she could have any guy she chose. She was also a tease. She knew what she was doing, working up all the guys and then casting them aside for the next guy to have a pop.
Was I any different? Well no, this isn’t the story, sorry guys and girls who want a story of me shagging a 22 year old stunner, but lets just say she did leave me in a rather horny state.
I left the bar about midnight. I was quite drunk and horny. BUT I knew I was working and thought it was probably the best thing to get the train home as the journey was 45 mins. I got the last train and it was rammed. But it didn’t particularly bother me as I knew 10 mins into the journey the train would ¾ empty as it stops at a main station.
15 mins into the journey I finally got a seat. I sat there listening to my ipod casually looking abound to train seeing if anyone takes my fancy. There ware plenty of dunk girls, all dressed up, but looking dishevelled, but nothing especially fantastic, but then a guy on the train was sick so I decided to swap carriage.
The next carriage was empty other than a 40ish year old office worker working on her lap top. I sat opposite her and made eye contact, she smiled. I took my chance to have a good look, she was hot. She had shapely legs with black stockings on, (well I hoped they were stockings anyway) high heels. She had light brown hair tied back, a white blouse showing a little bit of cleavage. But I also noticed a wedding ring on her finger.
“Oh well” I thought, she still was a hot cougar and I must admit the instance she smiled at me I was hard, but I thought “fuck that I can’t be bothered with that shit”.
Anyway my stop came, and surprisingly it was also the hot cougars. I opened the door for her and walked up the stairs behind her.
She had a magnificent ass. She clearly works out and looks after herself. And through her skirt, there was a clear outline of French knickers. I had to place my briefcase in front of me to hide my clear erection. God I couldn’t wait to get home to knock one out. I also had to admit the beer was batting by bladder I needed a piss. So I decided to cut through the car park as I knew I could have a piss up against a tree there and cut through the hole in the fence rather than go around the station.
I went to the other side of the car park and started to piss, half way through I herd footsteps and saw the woman on the train looking straight at me. “Shit” I thought caught red handed. I finished up and went through the hole in the fence.
Now I was walking right behind her again. I thought about walking the other way round to save my embarrassment. But thought “Fuck it, what she going to do stop and give me a lecture”.
She turned left down the road I needed to turn down, “Shit” I thought “shes gonna think im following her”, “but you’re not” I keep telling myself, “its not like im gonna rape her is it”.
We kept walking and walking and you could tell she was nervous, as every few mins or so she would look around. It didn’t help the fact I was a faster walker than her either. I remember giggling to myself “I bet you wished you hadn’t worn them heels now”
Now I was only about 2 meters away from her. She stopped and turned around and said “You’re not going to follow me all the way home are you?”.
“Sorry” I said pulling my earphones out of my ears.
“You’re not planning on following me all the way home are you?” she repeated
“Eeeeer sorry no, I live down here in Green Garden Avenue” I said.
“Really” she said, “I live in Cottage Road around the corner, I thought you were some pervert following me home because I smiled at you on the train”.
“Oh no” I said “I did think of going another way around because I didn’t want to make you nervous, as after you caught me in the car park”.
“Hmmmm” she said “that was naughty, but at least you did it against a tree rather one of the cars” she smiled.
“Yeah and as I said I hope you didn’t see anything you shouldn’t have” I smiled back.
I couldn’t believe it we were flirting. After all the awkwardness we were flirting.
“Anyway” I said.
“Oh yes” she said “I suppose we better get home its late”.
We started walking together then she asked, “So do you live alone?”.
“yes”, I said.
“Well eerr” she said “fancy making me a drink?”
“Sure” I said.
We walked up to my house by this time I had a massive erection. And I knew what was coming to I didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Oh it looks like someone excited at the thought of a drink” she said.
“Its been one of them days when I just need to get cut loose if you know what I mean” I said.
She nodded her head and stopped and grabbed me and stuck her tongue inside my mouth. Her hand started exploring my crotch and my hands dropped my suitcase and started to slide my hand around her ass. It felt as good as it looked, firm and peachy.
By this time I was proper horny, she started rubbing my cock faster, she went down to her knees in the middle of the street and unzipped my flys and started to stuck my cock. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my load exploded into her mouth.
“Well you were pretty worked up” she said, “I hope the main coarse lasts longer than the entree” she said winking at me, while I place my cock back into my trousers.
I few more mins and we were at my front door. By this time my heart was beating.
“So what do you want to drink” I asked
“”Do you have any white wine” she asked.
“Some cheep stuff somewhere” and I looked in the fridge ”oh here we go some pinot grigio, I suppose that will have to do”
“That will do fine” she said.
I poured the wine into two glasses on the table.
“So” I asked, “do you go down on strangers in the middle of the street very often then”?
She let out a little chuckle. “Not for a long, long time”, “But it looked like you needed it”.
I sat down next to her and placed my hand on her leg. I started rubbing her leg up and down. Our eyes made contact and our breathing started to get heavier, no more words were needed.
Our mouths moved together, and started kissing. It was soft at first before our tongues explored each others mouth. By hands moved up inside her skirt to the thighs. She was wearing hold-ups just as I hopped.
With the other hand I started undoing her white blouse. I could see her white bra underneath. She ripped my tie off and threw it across the room. Her blouse came off followed by my shirt, she then stood up and unzipped her skirt from the side. It dropped to the floor showing her red see through French knickers. And then she took off her bra. She wasn’t big up top maybe a A or B cup, her areola’s were small, but she had long and hard nipples. And her body was perfect. You could tell she looked after herself her belly was flat and quite toned. “I doubt she’s had any kids” I thought to myself.
She falls onto the sofa spreading her legs and she say, “I think its time you repaid my service”.
Ive now got completely naked. I knelt between the her legs and slide her panties off. She was completely shaven and I could tell she was horny, she was soaking wet already. I started licking her clit immediately, sticking 2 fingers inside her. She gasped with pleasure as my tongue slid slowly around her clit sending shivers of electricity up and down her body. My tongue was now moving faster and faster, and her breathing heavier and heavier, there was more groans and moans until I hit that spot that made her scream with pleasure.
“Yes that’s it” she shouted, she wasn’t a quiet one that’s for sure.
“Yes stay there”
There were all sorts of noises coming now, or should I say cumming, and I have no idea how to write them, but I guess you should know.
Her body now went tight and she gripped my head with her legs. And she came.
I started moving up her body now. Kissing and licking her tummy. My tongue starts playing with her belly button and she lets out a noise that can only be described as a meow.
I now reach the nipples, I love nipples I could play with them for hours. I love biting and licking nipples, and its clear she loved me licking them. I suck them and my teeth plays with them as her body wriggles I could take no more.
She grabs my cock and slides it inside her and she lets out a gasp. I start of with a slow pace sliding inside and outside her, she feels nice and tight, which makes me think even more that shes never had kids.
I start gathering pace and our breathing increases.
She stops and turns around and I see that magnificent ass again. She bends down and is a vision of lust. I slide myself her, she closes her legs and feels even tighter, im now banging away at some speed and its clear shes cumming again as the same noises she was making before and her body tightens again.
She now pushes me to the floor, and straddles me, the cowgirl starts to ride. She starts slowly at first, moving side to side she had magnificent hip movement.
I feel im now deeper inside her than ever before. You could now hear her body hitting mine like a big slap, and it didn’t take long before I knew that was it, and I spurted my load deep inside, we both collapsed to the floor.
We got dressed and finished the wine. It wasn’t awkward or anything, but I did have one awkward question to as.
“So” I said, “What’s your name then”
“Sarah” she said with a smile.

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Looking In My Brothers Computer

Looking In My Brothers Computer
* A brothers cell phone camera records ‘things’ the rest of the family would be shocked about…’if’…they knew. *
___My computer locked up on me so I was stuck until I could get it figured out. I just needed to reply to a message from my boyfriend. I was home alone, so I figured I would just go to my brothers computer and send it. I went in his bedroom and he had gone outside quick to talk to some friends.
The monitor was off, but when I turned it on……omg…there was his cell phone picture file staring me in the face.
Oh I knew he was sneaky like guys are, but I never expected this. Guys like to look at girls, up a short skirt, coming out of a shower and any other ‘sneak peek’ they can get. We girls know this and it makes us feel good that they want to see our bodies.
We do temp them with our clothes, short skirts, low cut tops, not wearing a bra to show our nipples….but having our picture taken without our knowledge is going a little far… sometimes. Of course it depends on who’s taking the pictures. Brothers are kind of ’iffy’ in a way, but we even just ’act’ like we don’t like it when they take a picture of us half naked.
Some girls yell: “Mom, Dad, he’s trying to take pictures of me half naked.” In my family my mom and dad would only laugh at me….so I never bothered ratting him out….but now, this was different…..
This was no cell phone camera, it was a spy camera. My brother was a pervert voyeur!…not that I wasn’t ‘a little’ myself.
The picture I was looking at was taken from the top of our stairs. There was a mirror in our living room and you could see two people in a dark corner. It was series of pictures. He zoomed in and you could see it was our mom and my uncle Ted. Next picture he zoomed in closer.
Oh my….uncle Ted had his hand in mom’s panties.
I sat stunned. I never dreamed something like this was going on between them.
Slowly, picture by picture I watch him fingering my mom. Next, her hand had him unzipped and out came his boner. She was jacking him picture by picture. Next I see her face and her mouth went over the end of it. Jack by jack until the next picture showed…cum coming out of the sides of her mouth….
I felt the wetness in my pussy. Those pictures made me very hot. I had seen lot’s of porn, but this was my mom and uncle….the real thing.
I moved on to another file, one marked ‘Glenda’. I gulped and clicked it open. How the hell he got these was amazing.
It showed me naked in the shower, me in my bedroom sleeping naked, me fingering myself in my room! Picture after picture of my tits, legs and ass.
I put everything back the way it was, and turned off his monitor. I quick left the room. I liked my brother and was flattered he wanted these pictures of me, but to actually see them…it was a real turn on knowing his eyes had seen me live this way. His fake ‘always talking on his cell phone’ ploy was up with me now. I didn’t want those pictures of me found. I had to figure a way to get them erased. He liked my body, so I figured a way to use it to get those pictures out.
I put on just a towel only. Lots of cleavage showing. I waited until he came back in his room. I went in. He click off the screen quick and asked what I wanted. “Let’s talk, Randy.” I said. He looked at my tits and slowly took out his fake cell phone camera. We smiled at each other as I sat next to him. He said: “Sure, start talking, I just have to make a quick phone call, but go ahead.”
I said: “Randy, I need to be held, my boyfriend just dumped me.” As I leaned over I let my towel go loose. Now my bare tits were against his chest as I sniffed a fake sob. I lay my head in his lap and looked up. His fingers were busy pushing buttons on that fake phone. He was getting a shot of my naked tits in his lap. I felt a growing lump at the back of my head. He was getting a boner fast in his pants. I wiped a fake tear from my eye and said: “Randy, do you think I’m pretty?” My towel was now part way open showing my pubic hair.
Now It felt like the back of my head was laying on a big rock. His face was a little blushed, as his fingers kept pushing button on the fake phone.
“Yes Glenda, I think your one beautiful girl…and…a….very sexy too!” he said.
I said: “Oh thank you Randy, I needed to hear that.” I reached up and started kissing his face. My towel dropped to the floor. He panicked.
Now he faked a : “I’ll call you back.” but didn’t put that fake phone down.
“Oh Randy….your so sweet…you know I’ve always had a crush on you…I have feelings for you…kiss me Randy…”
He was completely flustered and now I grabbed his fake phone. I stood up naked as he wanted that fake phone back. Now I had him. “Why this isn’t a cell phone, it’s a camera….oh Randy, what have you been doing?….taking pictures of me????…we better talk about this Randy, right now.”
Poor Randy was shook. I felt sorry for him. He was so busted and his world was at risk of being blown apart. He was…my brother and I did have deep feelings for him. He stammered to try and explain his actions and I just kissed him. I felt him relax and his arms go around me.
It’s hard to explain brother and sister love. We are flesh and blood to each other and that is very binding…. for life. We just held that kiss and let it happen.
I said: “Randy, relax. Things are going to change, and I think for the better for both of us. First of all, I know about the pictures you have in your computer. I am very flattered that you like my body…and me.
I’ve got some ’voyeur’ in me too. The pictures that I did see…they gave me a sexual rush. Your secrets are safe with me.” I felt him give out a big sigh and he kissed me like a lover….I got that rush again only way stronger. I was sitting on his lap, turned and laying my tits on his chest….. still naked and that boner of his was under my pussy.
“OK, tonight, I will come to your room and we’ll look at those pictures…together. You can give me all the stories that go with them…ok?” He nodded his head as we stood up. He smiled as I let him look at me all completely naked for the first time. I turned slowly completely around to let him see me 360o. I saw his big boner sticking straight out, tenting his shorts. We said nothing as our hands started feeling us both.
I had to stop myself and leave this event and wait for tonight. I had to remove those pictures of me from his computer and teach him how to really hide pictures from mom and dad to keep them from ever finding them. It took my breath away just thinking about what I was about to see…..
My heart was still beating so fast. Busted with my pictures, but thanks to sis, my secret was safe from others. So much happen in such a few minutes but now my feelings for Glenda were out there for her to know.
I had lusted for her for a long time but the bro. sis., thing just put my urges for her on hold forever…. I thought. Now it’s out in the open and I want to get us alone and let our desires run wild.
She had such a hot body and cute all over. I couldn’t count all the times I’ve wanked real good thinking about her while looking at her hot body pictures. I’ll show her some pictures tonight and get her so hot watching them, she’ll attack me, she’ll get so turned on. I wish mom and dad were gone for the night somewhere. I want to get with Glenda so bad……
I couldn’t stop thinking about Randy and tonight. He could tell me the details about mom and uncle Ted, how he got the pictures of me and a lot more. My ego was flying with the thought of him being so hot for me. Now I could release my feelings for him I had hidden away in the taboo file in my mind. He doesn’t know my voyeur desires looked it him many times too. I could only take mental pictures of him to finger myself with though. I wanted to get my hands on the rock hard boner he got looking at me.
I’m sitting here on my bed getting all wet. I want to finger myself but maybe he’ll do the fingering of my pussy tonight. Yes…that’s it. He can finger me while I wank him….I’m getting myself all turned on thinking about tonight…..
I thought about uncle Ted and mom. I would love to know how long this has been going on with him and mom. Maybe Randy can fill me in. That night mom and dad went next door to visit the neighbors. That was good, because they all would drink and come home late. I watched them leave out my upstairs bedroom window. I put on just my robe and headed for Randy’s room. His lights were out except for the computer screen. I locked the door behind me. He was standing against the wall waiting for me in his robe. His hand came out and then mine. He pulled me to him with a hot kiss and a tight hug.
It was like lighting a fire. We were free to be together for a while. I had to get him over to the computer to hide that file….but his hand found my pussy and mine found his boner. I got dizzy as his kisses took my air away. I slowly moved us over to the computer. We sat in the two chairs close. My hand on his boner and his finger rubbing my wet slit.
We stopped so he could the show pictures. He put them on auto-show, then back our hands went to feel between our legs.
It started off with pictures of me. I stopped him. I pulled out of my robe pocket a blank disc. “Here, put all the pictures on this disk, then we can hide it in a safe place. While he did that we watched the computer fill the disc. He checked the disk, all was there. He erased the computer pictures. We now watched the disk.
I ask him about mom and uncle Ted. He smiled and clicked on their file. He said is was fate that he got pictures of them. He was just trying out his camera when he caught them having oral sex. We watch them together this time. His finger in my wet pussy and my hand jacking him. The sheer risk of doing this was such a turn on. Our hearing was on high in case mom and dad came home early. Our true feelings for each other were coming out and I wanted to get naked with him and let ourselves go with it.
Now the pictures of me he took. He explained how his camera could slip through a door barely open. Under a door, around a corner and in low light. Picture after picture of me almost naked or completely naked turned him on. They intern turned me on. We were getting hotter and hotter watch them. It built up and he stopped the disk.
He turned to me and we kissed and slowly drifted to the floor. He got on top of me and with our robes open our bodies meshed together with bare skin touching. I was in a new dream world of lust for my own brother. My legs came up and around him. His boner rubbed my pussy and my clit came alive with feelings from it.
We just went for it. I felt the head of his boner slip in my waiting pussy. I trembled as the real thing was happening. He felt so good in me as we began slow fucking. His warm body on me was so heavenly as we fucked faster and faster. Our tummy’s started slapping together as we built up to a brother sister cum. So taboo and exciting. I pulled on him in a heated sexual rush to get what I wanted. We held on tight as a burst of joy hit us. He shot cum in me so strong it made me climax instantly. Our bodies meshed together in the ecstasy of it all. Pulling our joy in tight together. We tried to be quiet, but the sounds just came out. I loved the feeling of my legs pulling on his legs and driving him deep in my pussy. He kept shooting cum with hard bursts in me. I moaned and jerked with every shot…….
I was in another world with him.
I tried to wake up. I was in my bed naked. My legs spread wide apart. My pussy was soaking wet. My small night stand light was on. Standing over me was Randy on my bed strattling me. He was smiling big with his camera in hand. He whispered: (“…ooooo I got some killer shots of you sis, you’ll like them…”) I managed a spent smile and said: (“Give me that camera.”) We giggled and he said: (“Here, just look at the little screen and push this button.”)
I took 23 pictures of his boner, balls, ass and him licking my tits and pussy. Now I have a disk for me to look at..
when we can’t be alone……

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Joe chapter 5

Joe has to face his demons, he takes responsibility for his actions and cums clean with his sort-of girlfriend.